1. I have heard loads and loads of people moan about Live For Speed Client Programe, this is how to handle your LFS Crashing.
What todo if your Live For Speed Crashes!
Post in this post about your Live For Speed crashing OR send you error report to Live For Speed through your Computer internet I gurantee there will be no viruses comming through your computer.
Yes, I know there will be another version of our timezones and a Schedule listing all the timezones and all the servers I'm hoping to get 2 servers depending on the timezones of other people within Live For Speed i'm hoping to get a USA based server and a UK based server so all will be annoced at a later date with the newsletter in October
Yes you will get a guaranteed placement in my team but I know your not going to leave [TC] because you've been there for ages but we're going to have to see about that wont we
Ladies and Gentlemen after months and months of planning here it is a test season which will be starting in 2 months time for the PRACTICE time until December when we will start our race but in 11th November 2009 the server will start and Qualication will start in the month after NOVEMBER and the first day of that month it will START schedule is below,
Saturday October (The Start Of the Qualification and the season)
10:00am - 12:00am - The start of 3 qualification sessions 13:00pm - 14:00pm - Results annouced
Hey there, I'd thought I'd better post something in here to see if new players Do or do not regret buying Live For Speed comments can be made but lets see who does and doesn't .
Can you please add a league subsection for FlySim Racing League more details below,
League Website: http://flysimracingleague.yolasite.com/ League Section Name: FlySim Racing League Other Details: The website will be updated when every league is relesed.
the owner of the server base has been emailed so we are awaiting a responce from him in 2 months time we will be getting a new server from Storm-Servers.
Also on that note please welcome a new member, GreyBull [CHA] to london city cruisers we hope he will be with us for longtime in the for comming future.